
You are free to create the following types of links:

  • Primary link
  • Secondary link
  • Info link
  • Success link
  • Waning link
  • Error link

Use a simple <a> tag with a class as .link. By default, a link will be primary in nature.

<span>This is how a <a class="link link-primary" href="#">Link</a> looks like</span>
This is how a Link looks like

To create different links, use respective class associated with the type along with the <a> tag. This how different types of links look like in action:

To create a secondary link add a class .link-secondary in the <a> tag's class attribute.

<a href="#" className="link link-secondary">Secondary link</a>

Similarly, to create info link, you can add .link-info in the <a> tag's class attribute.

<a href="#" className="link link-info">Info link</a>

To create a success link add .link-success in the <a> tag.

<a href="#" className="link link-success">Success link</a>

To create a warning link use .link-warning in the <a> tag.

<a href="#" className="link link-warning">Warning link</a>

To create a error link use .link-error in the <a> tag.

<a href="#" className="link link-error">Error link</a>

To create a grey link use .link-grey in the <a> tag.

<a href="#" className="link link-grey">Grey link</a>

To use other types of links other than the primary then it is necessary to add .link class to have the basic styling for the link, the other class will override the styling as per specified class.